• ESSENTIAL JAGUAR grain-free super premium dry food for cats and kittens - 95% meat
  • ESSENTIAL JAGUAR grain-free super premium dry food for cats and kittens - 95% meat
  • ESSENTIAL JAGUAR grain-free super premium dry food for cats and kittens - 95% meat
  • ESSENTIAL JAGUAR grain-free super premium dry food for cats and kittens - 95% meat
  • ESSENTIAL JAGUAR grain-free super premium dry food for cats and kittens - 95% meat
  • ESSENTIAL JAGUAR grain-free super premium dry food for cats and kittens - 95% meat
  • ESSENTIAL JAGUAR grain-free super premium dry food for cats and kittens - 95% meat
  • ESSENTIAL JAGUAR grain-free super premium dry food for cats and kittens - 95% meat
  • ESSENTIAL JAGUAR grain-free super premium dry food for cats and kittens - 95% meat
  • ESSENTIAL JAGUAR grain-free super premium dry food for cats and kittens - 95% meat
  • ESSENTIAL JAGUAR grain-free super premium dry food for cats and kittens - 95% meat
  • ESSENTIAL JAGUAR grain-free super premium dry food for cats and kittens - 95% meat
  • ESSENTIAL JAGUAR grain-free super premium dry food for cats and kittens - 95% meat

ESSENTIAL JAGUAR grain-free super premium dry food for cats and kittens - 95% meat

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*The package must contain at least 80% more of the product content.

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One of the most important values of ESSENTIAL FOODS is that our food should help your cat live as long and healthy a life as...

One of the most important values of ESSENTIAL FOODS is that our food should help your cat live as long and healthy a life as possible. ESSENTIAL JAGUAR is a special, cereal-free food for cats and kittens of all breeds. We've developed a food that will not only taste good for your cat, but that very closely reflects what your cat would eat while living in the wild. It's definitely the most delicious cat food your cat will have eaten. Made from outdoor gressingham ducks, regional Ross & Cobb chickens, Scottish salmon, rainbow trout, nutritious and fresh eggs. There is no doubt - this is a full-fledged meal for your cat!

95% + duck and chicken meat, Scottish salmon, rainbow trout and fresh eggs


The principle of behavioral optimizing foods ( BOF - Behavioral Optimizing Foods) is to take advantage of regulating and stabilizing blood sugar levels. We have ensured that ESSENTIAL FOODS keeps your cat's blood sugar levels stable throughout the day (the food has been tested several times and has earned the highest quality awards and recognitions). Our high fresh meat content and low cooking temperatures ensure that your cat receives an excellent amount of nutrients compared to consumer cat food. Using the BOF principle, excellent results are achieved.







See the date and batch number on the package.


Food should be stored in a cool, dry place (5-18 °C), in a closed container, away from direct sunlight. The feed can be stored in the original packaging. In this way, you will ensure that the last portion of food will taste as good as the first.


DUCK - Ducks grown in the open air are from Grayingham, which is also the reason for the name of the breed.
CHICKEN - Ross & Cobb chicken always comes from local producers in the UK.
Salmon - is Scottish salmon, which is a rich source of omega 3 fatty acids. All three sources of omega are included in the ESSENTIALS feed : ALA, DHA and EPA.
TROUT - Rainbow trout is caught in the rivers of Avon, near Salisbury, England.
FRESH EGGS - eggs are an excellent source of protein, essential amino acids and lutein and choline (vitamin B).


Prepared using fresh and dried chicken meat, duck, salmon, trout and eggs.


    of which fresh


Vegetables, seeds, herbs, berries, vitamins and minerals (the total percentage of ingredients is more than 100%, so more than 10kg of ingredients are used to make 10kg of food)






    of which Omega-3


    of which Omega-6


Minerals/crude ash


Fibrous substances












Metabolized energy Kcal/kg




Fresh chicken and duck meat, dried chicken and duck meat, fresh salmon and trout, potatoes, whole fresh eggs, sweet potatoes, peas, fresh chicken liver, chicken fat, linseed, liver broth, seeded alfalfa, pea fiber, salmon oil, vitamins , minerals, cranberries, acai berries, blueberries, mulberry fruit, apples, tomatoes, oranges, pears, carrots, spinach, cauliflower, seaweed, calendula, ginseng, green tea, ginger.



90°C degrees, as well as the extraction of the latest technology, ensure maximum preservation of nutritional values during the feed preparation process.


  • Uzturvērtības tabula 1kg porcijai
  • Nutritional energy value 3920 kcal
  • Prepared using fresh and dried chicken meat; ducks; read; trout and eggs +95%
  • of which fresh meat +55%
  • Vegetables; seeds; plants; berries; vitamins and minerals (the total percentage content of ingredients is more than 100%; so more than 10kg of ingredients are used to prepare 10kg of feed) 20%
  • Protein 40%
  • Fat 17%
  • of which Omega 3 1.1%
  • of which Omega 6 4.5%
  • Minerals/koppelni 9%
  • Fiber 3.5%
  • Water 7%
  • Calcium 1.5%
  • Phosphorus 1.2%
  • Glucosamine 0.09%
  • Chondroitin 0.07%

Customer Reviews

Based on 56 reviews
Eva Priekule

Lieliski! Kaķi ļoti labprāt ēd.

Matiss Soms

ESSENTIAL JAGUAR bezgraudu super premium sausā barība kaķiem un kaķēniem - 95 % gaļas

Kvalitatīva pārtika

Manam kaķim ļoti garšoja. Labs sastāvs, iesaku.

Lolita Kudeiko
95% gaļas

Paldies! Kaķis ēd. Barības kvalitāti domāju varēs novērtēt ilgākā laika periodā.

Rihards Jakobsons
Ļoti labi !

Kaķi apmierināti ! Paldies !

Ražotāja vēstule par Essential Foods barības krāsu

Laiku pa laikam Essential Foods sausās barības graudiņu krāsa var mainīties, taču tas neietekmē barības kvalitāti. Krāsas mainība ir saistīta ar faktu, ka barības ražošanā mēs izmantojam dabiskas sastāvdaļas, kas tiek audzētas dažādos klimatiskajos apstākļos un arī kontinentos. Barības izejmateriālus ietekmē sezonalitāte un dzīves cikla procesi. Piemēram, zivis, kas tiek nozvejotas sezonas pirmajā pusē, būs treknākas un tām var būt cita krāsa nekā zivīm, kas nozvejotas sezonas otrajā pusē. 

Papildus tam, barības krāsu ietekmē arī tās pagatavošanas metode. Ja gatavošanā pavisam nedaudz tiek palielināts tvaiku daudzums, tas var ievērojami ietekmēt barības krāsu. Mēs gatavošanas procesā bieži vien izmantojam papildus 1-5% tvaiku, lai iegūtu nepieciešamo graudiņu blīvumu, kas reizēm padara tos tumšākus.

Mēs lepojamies ar to, ka nevienā savā produktā neizmantojam mākslīgas krāsvielas, taču šī iemesla dēļ dabisku procesu rezultātā graudiņu krāsa laiku pa laikam var atšķirties. Dažreiz krāsas atšķirība ir minimāla, bet dažreiz tā ir labi pamanāma. 

Mēs ceram, ka šī informācija palīdzēs saprast reizēm novērojamo mainību Essential Foods barības krāsā. Ja rodas papildus jautājumi, labprāt uz tiem atbildēsim.

- John Hewitt (Tehniskās daļas vadītājs)