• Augstvērtīga super premium barība ar tītara gaļu pieaugušiem suņiem ar lieko svaru BALANCE. Suņiem ar svaru virs 7 kg
  • Augstvērtīga super premium barība ar tītara gaļu pieaugušiem suņiem ar lieko svaru BALANCE. Suņiem ar svaru virs 7 kg
  • Augstvērtīga super premium barība ar tītara gaļu pieaugušiem suņiem ar lieko svaru BALANCE. Suņiem ar svaru virs 7 kg
  • High-quality super premium feed with turkey meat for overweight adult dogs BALANCE. For dogs weighing more than 7 kg
  • High-quality super premium feed with turkey meat for overweight adult dogs BALANCE. For dogs weighing more than 7 kg
  • High-quality super premium feed with turkey meat for overweight adult dogs BALANCE. For dogs weighing more than 7 kg

High-quality super premium feed with turkey meat for overweight adult dogs BALANCE. For dogs weighing more than 7 kg

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Available from 18.07.
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WHAT IS IT FOR?ESSENTIAL BALANCE is a single-protein feed, the main ingredients of which are turkey, rice and oats. The BALANCE feed is significantly different...


ESSENTIAL BALANCE is a single-protein feed, the main ingredients of which are turkey, rice and oats. The BALANCE feed is significantly different from our other feeds, so read this description carefully before choosing BALANCE.
This is the appropriate feed in four cases - 

  1. if you are looking for a low protein feed.BALANCE contains only 20 percent protein of the total content. To increase the amount of protein in the feed, BALANCE can be combined with any of the four LIVING feed formulas. By combining 75 percent BALANCE and 25 percent ESSENTIAL LIVING, the protein content rises to 22.5 percent.
  2. if your dog suffers from soft stools. The combination of turkey, rice and oats is carefully formulated to balance the dog's digestive system. ESSENTIAL BALANCE can be used on its own or combined with our other feeds. Combining this feed with others is the best solution for recurring problems.
  3. if you are looking for a more pocket-friendly ESSENTIALS feed. This feed will be a good solution for those who need to find feed at a lower price, but want the high quality and results of ESSENTIAL. Fortunately, BALANCE is a pocket-friendly solution for those who consume large amounts of feed and cannot afford our other types of feed. In this case, using BALANCE together with our other feeds, as needed, is the best solution. For example, CONTOUR for sterilized and castrated dogs and LARGE BREED for large breed puppies, etc.
  4. if your dog suffers from allergies caused by certain ingredients.BALANCE is a single protein feed. This fact makes BALANCE the obvious choice for those who want to use ESSENTIALS and want to avoid allergies that tend to be caused by eggs, chicken, lamb, beef or fish. Check the contents of the feed to ensure compliance and contact us if necessary. The amount of protein can be increased by supplementing BALANCE with fresh sources of protein suitable for your dog.

Price and quality are closely related. BALANCE offers a quality product at a friendly price, using turkey, rice and oats as the main ingredients. In this way, ESSENTIAL BALANCE feed is a step ahead of other feeds in this price range. However, BALANCE is not a 100% ESSENTIAL product. Therefore, when choosing BALANCE you must accept that the price difference compared to our other products means that it does not contain BOF (Behavioral Optimizing Foods) approved ingredients, is not 100% grain free, and does not contain our additional added ingredients (provitamins). 

The composition


Fresh cooked and dried turkey meat, rice, oats, whole linseeds, turkey gravy, turkey fat, beet pulp, alfalfa seeds, minerals, vitamins, omega 3 nutritional supplement, natural seaweed, chicory and tapioca extract, calcium carbonate, glucosamine (185 mg/kg), chondroitin sulfate (130 mg/kg).


Prepared using fresh and dried turkey meat


    of which fresh






    of which Omega-3


    of which Omega-6


Minerals/crude ash


Fibrous substances












Vitamins - Vitamin A (retinyl acetate) 15,000 IU, Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) 2,000 IU, Vitamin E (alpha tocopherol acetate) 240 IU. Trace elements - zinc (zinc chelate monohydrate) 50 mg, iron (iron (II) chelate monohydrate) 50 mg, manganese (manganese chelate monohydrate) 35 mg, copper (copper chelate monohydrate) 15 mg, iodine (calcium iodate anhydrous) 0.96 mg, selenium (sodium selenite) 0.3 mg. Preserved with natural preservatives (rosemary) and natural antioxidants. Regulation (EC) No. 2017/2279.

  • Uzturvērtības tabula 1kg porcijai
  • Metabolized energy 3300 kcal/kg
  • Prepared using fresh and dried turkey meat 30%
  • of which fresh 20%
  • Protein 20%
  • Fat 10%
  • of which Omega 3 0.8%
  • of which Omega 6 1.9%
  • Minerals/koppelni 7%
  • Fibre 4%
  • Water 8.5%
  • Calcium 1.4%
  • Phosphorus 0.9%
  • Turkey meat

    Turkey carefully reared in the UK is a source of essential nutrients such as riboflavin, potassium and selenium.

  • Linseeds

    It is often called a "gift of nature". Rich in both Omega-3 (ALA) and plant nutrients. All three Omega-3 sources are included in ESSENTIALS: ALA, DHA and EPA. Omega 3 – can help maintain the condition of the skin and coat. Omega 3 is also thought to help support cognitive and visual development in puppies.

  • Alfalfa sprouts

    Another small wonder of the Earth; filled with vitamins, mineral salts, amino acids, enzymes and, most importantly, indispensable fibers.

  • Sea grass

    Jūras zāle ir pazīstams kā bagātīgs minerālvielu un mikroelementu avots, kas veicina vispārējo veselību un labsajūtu. Joda avots, kas palīdz uzturēt veselīgu vairogdziedzera darbību.

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Olga Pušpure

Paldies! Pērkam pie Jums jau ne pirmo reizi! Esam apmierināti un mīlulis jūtas laimīgs!

Agnija Priedoliņa

Ēd labāk nekā light un notur suņa svaru robežās

Lieliska barība!

Lieliska barība manam jutīgajam sunim, es beidzot atradu piemērotu un garšīgu barību. Turklāt pasūtīšana vienmēr ir vienkārša, un piegāde ir ļoti ātra. Paldies!

Ražotāja vēstule par Essential Foods barības krāsu

Laiku pa laikam Essential Foods sausās barības graudiņu krāsa var mainīties, taču tas neietekmē barības kvalitāti. Krāsas mainība ir saistīta ar faktu, ka barības ražošanā mēs izmantojam dabiskas sastāvdaļas, kas tiek audzētas dažādos klimatiskajos apstākļos un arī kontinentos. Barības izejmateriālus ietekmē sezonalitāte un dzīves cikla procesi. Piemēram, zivis, kas tiek nozvejotas sezonas pirmajā pusē, būs treknākas un tām var būt cita krāsa nekā zivīm, kas nozvejotas sezonas otrajā pusē. 

Papildus tam, barības krāsu ietekmē arī tās pagatavošanas metode. Ja gatavošanā pavisam nedaudz tiek palielināts tvaiku daudzums, tas var ievērojami ietekmēt barības krāsu. Mēs gatavošanas procesā bieži vien izmantojam papildus 1-5% tvaiku, lai iegūtu nepieciešamo graudiņu blīvumu, kas reizēm padara tos tumšākus.

Mēs lepojamies ar to, ka nevienā savā produktā neizmantojam mākslīgas krāsvielas, taču šī iemesla dēļ dabisku procesu rezultātā graudiņu krāsa laiku pa laikam var atšķirties. Dažreiz krāsas atšķirība ir minimāla, bet dažreiz tā ir labi pamanāma. 

Mēs ceram, ka šī informācija palīdzēs saprast reizēm novērojamo mainību Essential Foods barības krāsā. Ja rodas papildus jautājumi, labprāt uz tiem atbildēsim.

- John Hewitt (Tehniskās daļas vadītājs)