• Barība sterilizētiem, kastrētiem un suņiem ar lieko svaru tendence uz aptaukošanos ESSENTIAL FOODS Contour
  • High-quality dairy- free weight control food for adult small breed dogs up to 15kg CONTOUR with 78% meat
  • High-quality dairy- free weight control food for adult small breed dogs up to 15kg CONTOUR with 78% meat
  • High-quality dairy- free weight control food for adult small breed dogs up to 15kg CONTOUR with 78% meat
  • High-quality dairy- free weight control food for adult small breed dogs up to 15kg CONTOUR with 78% meat

High-quality dairy- free weight control food for adult small breed dogs up to 15kg CONTOUR with 78% meat

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*The package must contain at least 80% more of the product content.

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ESSENTIAL CONTOUR is a complete luxury food, which is designed for - dogs that are overweight or dogs with a tendency to obesity; neutered and...

ESSENTIAL CONTOUR is a complete luxury food, which is designed for -

  • dogs that are overweight or dogs with a tendency to obesity;

  • neutered and spayed dogs, as these procedures have a direct impact on nutritional requirements.

The ingredients we use are of the highest quality - the quality you expect from ESSENTIALS. The feed is made in compliance with BOF requirements and does not contain cereals.

78% chicken, duck meat, salmon and trout, fresh eggs. 


When a dog is neutered or neutered, its emotional balance and hormone levels change significantly. This also affects the dog's nutritional requirements. CONTOUR food will create a feeling of satiety in a natural way, which prevents overeating and obesity. Obese dogs will lose weight when eating CONTOUR if the dog owner follows our portion size guidelines. When the dog reaches a healthy weight, it is recommended to slightly increase the portion of CONTOUR.



The principle of Behavioral Optimizing Foods (BOF) is to use the benefits of regulating and stabilizing blood sugar levels. We have achieved just that - our ESSENTIAL FOODS feed has changed the lives of several animals and earned awards and recognition. BOF ensures the stability of your dog's sugar level throughout the day. Our high fresh meat content and low cooking temperatures ensure that your dog receives an excellent amount of nutrients compared to consumer dog food. Using BOF principles in cooking shows positive results. Using ESSENTIALS in your dog's diet will positively affect your dog's emotional balance. In some cases the changes are drastic, in some not so much, but there is always an improvement.


Feeding guide 

Please note that each dog has individual characteristics as well as metabolism, and its feeding characteristics will be appropriate for its breed, environment, as well as the animal's activity level and age. ,

We recommend that you use this chart as an initial guideline and then adjust the daily dose accordingly as you monitor your dog's weight. We recommend feeding your dog twice a day. 

It is very important to always remember to keep fresh and clean water within easy reach of your four-legged pet.


The first ESSENTIALS food package also brings with it lifestyle changes. Gradually introduce ESSENTIALS food over a period of 4-7 days or completely change the food to ESSENTIALS, you can choose the most suitable type for you and your dog. The main thing is to adjust the daily dose depending on the needs of your pet. Overfeeding can cause soft bowel movements. Therefore, we recommend adjusting and determining the appropriate portion size for the first 2-3 weeks. When your dog's bowel movements are normal and your dog is satisfied with the amount of food, you have found the appropriate amount of food. Once that's done, all that's left is to enjoy the benefits of ESSENTIALS.

RECOMMENDATION - start with a serving size that is about 10% smaller than usual and adjust as needed. If necessary, you are welcome to contact us with any questions about feed and feeding.


See the date and batch number on the package.  Made in Great Britain (UK) 🇬🇧


We recommend storing food using the ESSENTIAL food storage container (FOOD BOX). Food should be stored in a cool, dry place (5-18 °C), in a closed container, away from direct sunlight. In this way, you will ensure that the last portion of food will taste as good as the first.


The composition 


Fresh chicken and duck meat, dried chicken and duck meat, sweet potatoes, potatoes, peas, fresh salmon and trout, fresh whole eggs, linseeds, alfalfa sprouts, liver broth, pea protein, vitamins, minerals, MOS (mannan oligosaccharides), FOS (fructooligosaccharides), glucosamine, chondroitin, MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) cranberries, acai berries, blueberries, mulberries, apples, tomatoes, oranges, pears, carrots, spinach, cauliflower, seaweed, calendula, ginseng, green tea, ginger.


Prepared using fresh and dried chicken, duck, salmon, trout and eggs


    of which fresh






    of which Omega-3


    of which Omega-6


Minerals/crude ash


Fibrous substances












Metabolized energy Kcal/kg




Vitamins - vitamin A 15,000 IU, vitamin D3 2000 IU, vitamin E 240 IU. Provitamins - taurine 1500 mg micronutrients: zinc (amino acid hydrate zinc chelate) 50 mg, iron (iron (II) amino acid hydrate chelate) 50 mg, manganese (amino acid hydrate manganese chelate) 35 mg, iodine (calcium iodate anhydrous) 0.96 mg . Naturally preserved with rosemary and mixed tocopherols. Regulation (EC) No. 2017/2279.


90°C degrees and the latest extraction technology ensure maximum preservation of nutritional value during the feed preparation process.

  • Uzturvērtības tabula 1kg porcijai
  • Metabolised energy 3425 kcal/kg
  • Prepared using fresh and dried chicken; Duck; Salmon; trout and eggs 78%
  • of which fresh 45%
  • Proteins 33%
  • Fat 13%
  • of which Omega 3 1.4%
  • of which Omega 6 2.2%
  • Mineral/crude ash 8%
  • Fiber 4.5%
  • Water 8.5%
  • Calcium 1.8%
  • Phosphorus 1.4%
  • Glucosamine 0.09%
  • Chondroitin 0.07%
  • Vitamin A 15
  • Vitamin D3 2000SV
  • Vitamin E 240SV
  • Taurine 1500mg
  • Zinc (zinc chelate of amino acid hydrate) 50mg
  • Iron (iron (II) amino acid hydrate chelate) 50mg
  • Manganese (manganese chelate of amino acid hydrate) 35mg
  • Iodine (anhydrous calcium iodate) 0.96mg
  • Naturally preserved with rosemary and mixed tocopherols. Regulation (EU) 2017/2279
  • Brīvās turēšanas pīles

    Sertificētās saimniecībās audzētas pīles Apvienotā Karalistē. Šīs brīvās turēšanas pīles tiek audzētas, pievēršot lielu uzmanību pīļu labturībai.

  • Brīvās turēšanas vistas

    Apvienotajā Karalistē fermās atbildīgi audzētas brīvās turēšanas vistas. Vistas gaļa ir diētisks olbaltumvielu avots, kas bagāts ar neaizvietojamām aminoskābēm. Tas ir arī labs vitamīnu un minerālvielu, tostarp B vitamīnu un dzelzs, avots.

  • Skotijas lasis

    Atbildīgi Atlantijas okeānā audzēts Skotijas lasis. Unikāls Omega-3 (DHA un EPA) avots. Dabiski bagāts ar neaizvietojamām omega 3 taukskābēm, kurām piemīt pretiekaisuma īpašības. Visi trīs Omega-3 avoti ir iekļauti ESSENTIALS: ALA, DHA un EPA.

  • Forele

    Forele, kas galvenokārt iegūta Apvienotajā Karalistē, ir dabisks omega 3 neaizvietojamo taukskābju avots.

Customer Reviews

Based on 18 reviews

Paldies, manai izvēlīgajai Piparkūciņai garšo :)

Arita Bebriša

Manam sunītim garšo. Iespējams iegādāšos arī lielāku iepakojumu.

CONTOUR barība

Ļoti ātra piegāde un kvalitatīva barība.
Suns laimīgs.Sūtu ne pirmo reizi.

Augstvērtīga bezgraudu barība svara kontrolei pieaugušiem mazo šķirņu suņiem

Čivava labprāt ēd. Šobrīd vēl grūti novērtēt ietekmi uz svaru.

Santa Savicka

Mans izvēlīgais suns ļoti labprāt ēd šo barību

Ražotāja vēstule par Essential Foods barības krāsu

Laiku pa laikam Essential Foods sausās barības graudiņu krāsa var mainīties, taču tas neietekmē barības kvalitāti. Krāsas mainība ir saistīta ar faktu, ka barības ražošanā mēs izmantojam dabiskas sastāvdaļas, kas tiek audzētas dažādos klimatiskajos apstākļos un arī kontinentos. Barības izejmateriālus ietekmē sezonalitāte un dzīves cikla procesi. Piemēram, zivis, kas tiek nozvejotas sezonas pirmajā pusē, būs treknākas un tām var būt cita krāsa nekā zivīm, kas nozvejotas sezonas otrajā pusē. 

Papildus tam, barības krāsu ietekmē arī tās pagatavošanas metode. Ja gatavošanā pavisam nedaudz tiek palielināts tvaiku daudzums, tas var ievērojami ietekmēt barības krāsu. Mēs gatavošanas procesā bieži vien izmantojam papildus 1-5% tvaiku, lai iegūtu nepieciešamo graudiņu blīvumu, kas reizēm padara tos tumšākus.

Mēs lepojamies ar to, ka nevienā savā produktā neizmantojam mākslīgas krāsvielas, taču šī iemesla dēļ dabisku procesu rezultātā graudiņu krāsa laiku pa laikam var atšķirties. Dažreiz krāsas atšķirība ir minimāla, bet dažreiz tā ir labi pamanāma. 

Mēs ceram, ka šī informācija palīdzēs saprast reizēm novērojamo mainību Essential Foods barības krāsā. Ja rodas papildus jautājumi, labprāt uz tiem atbildēsim.

- John Hewitt (Tehniskās daļas vadītājs)